The Driscoll Family Blog

The Driscoll Family Blog

Monday, September 16, 2013

Very Hungry Caterpillars

Thanks to Mia, we had a bit of a butterfly theme at our house this summer, so I thought I would share some of our fun photos!  It began when I ordered caterpillars so we could watch them transform into butterflies at our house - it was a lot of fun and really fascinating to watch the butterfly life cycle at our house.  I also used books and some manipulatives to help explain the process to Mia.  After enjoying our "pet" butterflies for awhile, we brought them outside and released them. 

Along the same theme, we took a trip to the Butterfly Zoo in Newport with Grammy - we saw hundreds of butterflies and Mia's favorite memory is of a big blue butterfly that landed on her head! 


Butterflies love to eat watermelon!
Newport Butterfly Zoo

Blue Butterfly on Mia's Head :)


Releasing our Butterflies!


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

School Days!


Today was a big day - Mia started preschool!  She was very excited to go to school, and had a great first day!  On our way home from school this afternoon, Mia was already asking when she can go back to Miss Jen's class, so the school year is off to a good start!