The Driscoll Family Blog

The Driscoll Family Blog

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

These Shoes Are Made for Walkin'

Now that Mia is officially a toddler, we just had a new milestone - we bought her first pair of "real" shoes!  Mia was very patient while having her feet measured, and has been having fun walking everywhere in her new shoes - she is getting faster every day!

Our Little Pumpkin

Even though she has no idea what candy is (though I am sure she will figure it out soon!), Mia had a great time celebrating Halloween this year! She liked wearing her pumpkin costume, reading her Halloween book and playing with the jack-be-little pumpkins. Even though she is too little for trick or treating, we visited Grandma & Grandpa's house and Maureen & Steve's house (where Mia was delighted to see the puppies) - it was a fun Halloween!